Development solutions for threats to biodiversity

Threat Reduction Yellow Pages[]


Welcome to the Threat Reduction Yellow Pages Wiki. This site aims to be a central repository of threat reduction methods, a site whose very existence spurs innovation and dissemination of proven approaches to biodiversity conservation.

Rare, a U.S.-based conservation nonprofit, works globally to equip people in the world's most threatened natural areas with the tools and motivations they need to care for their natural resources. Recognizing that for every problem there is a probable solution, Rare is seeking the conservation community’s help.

On behalf of the tens of thousands of local conservationists working around the world, Rare aims to develop a registry of solutions to some of the field's toughest challenges -- a sort of “Yellow Pages” for threat reduction. If a household needs a plumber, the homeowner pulls the Yellow Pages from the shelf and thumbs through a list of local plumbers in the area, complete with contact information and areas of specialization. The premise is that like the homeowner, a conservation practitioner working to identify alternatives to, let's say, excessive fuelwood gathering, would benefit greatly from a list of practical solutions – such as solar ovens, bio-gas stoves, or community woodlots -- as well as an understanding of where these approaches have been tested, how others rate their utility for threat mitigation, what they might cost to replicate, and where and how to learn more. Through this Wiki, Rare aims to make this kind of information more readily available. And if possible, Rare will encourage users to "rate" the usefulness of ideas they've taken from the site.

To organize the site, Rare adopted the threat nomenclature of the Conservation Measures Partnership (CMP)and began to populate both the taxonomy of CMP's threats to biodiversity, as well as the many potential ways of reducing those threats. Much of the initial detailed information in these sections is taken from other sources. The framework is just the beginning. Rare assumes the conservation community will build out this site over time in order to share proven methods and access others' experience. It is our hope that practitioners with an expertise or interest in a specific "threat" or "solution" will take "ownership" of that category and manage it accordingly. Anyone willing to do so should please notify the community.

For suggestions on formatting and the kinds of information the founding authors believe will be useful for describing, please see "Tourism & Recreation Areas" in the Conservation Threats section below. For suggestions on how to document and describe threat reduction tools, please see "Solar Stoves" in the Threat Reduction Tools section below. We welcome your changes! It's a Wiki!

Note that the conservation threats listed, and their associated definitions, are provided via 'The Conservation Measures Partnership' (CMP). This site will be shared with both CMP and IUCN. For further information on CMP, please visit

Conservation Threats[]

Residential & Commercial Development:
Threats from human settlements or other non-agricultural land uses with a substantial footprint

Agriculture & Aquaculture:
Threats from farming and ranching as a result of agricultural expansion and intensification, including silviculture, mariculture and aquaculture

Energy Production & Mining:
Threats from production of non-biological resources

Transportation & Service Corridors:
Threats from long narrow transport corridors and the vehicles that use them including associated wildlife mortality

Biological Resource Use:
Threats from consumptive use of "wild" biological resources including both deliberate and unintentional harvesting effects; also persecution or control of specific species

Human Intrusions & Disturbance:
Threats from human activities that alter, destroy and disturb habitats and species associated with non-consumptive uses of biological resources

Natural System Modifications:
Threats from actions that convert or degrade habitat in service of “managing” natural or semi-natural systems, often to improve human welfare

Invasive & Other Problematic Species & Genes:
Threats from non-native and native plants, animals, pathogens/microbes, or genetic materials that have or are predicted to have harmful effects on biodiversity following their introduction, spread and/or increase in abundance

Threats from introduction of exotic and/or excess materials or energy from point and nonpoint sources

Geological Events:
Threats from catastrophic geological events

Climate Change & Severe Weather:
Threats from long-term climatic changes which may be linked to global warming and other severe climatic/weather events that are outside of the natural range of variation, or potentially can wipe out a vulnerable species or habitat

Threat Reduction Tools[]

Residential & Commercial Development:

Agriculture & Aquaculture:

Energy Production & Mining:

Transportation & Service Corridors:

Biological Resource Use:

Human Intrusions & Disturbance:

Natural System Modifications:

Invasive & Other Problematic Species & Genes:


Geological Events:

Climate Change & Severe Weather:
